
Hey dear, I know, I know right. I’ve missed myself around here too. I hope life been treating y’all well? I trust y’all to give it gbos when it throws gbas at you. Lol.

Currently listening to,

Sound from generators around. I miss living in a place where night is night. Where it comes with this really quiet atmosphere that lets you rest after the day’s struggle.

Do I need tell you I’m in Lagos? Suppose central of excellence?


One year out of here and I feel everyone’s madness has doubled and population tripled. This City!

Tell your Igbo brothers and Hausa brothers to stop bringing their brothers down here. Leave Chukwudi in Aba and musa in kano please. Teinzzz

Away from Lagos,

I came to the end of my first year in the university last month and I’d always wanted to share some of my experiences here. It’s not new I’m a bestfriend to Procrastination. Come on, Go on, yeah, do it, roll your eyes at me dear. I’m finally doing this now and I know you’ll want to stay with me to the end.

University is hard. Maybe it was quite different to you, but based on my personal experience, It is.

You’re thrown into the deep end of the sea and expected to swim out YOURSELF. All by yourself. From coming home to already made food and bribing your younger siblings to run little things for you, to singlehandedly boiling egg yourself.

High school won’t prepare you for university life at all. Except of course you went to a boarding school or you’re planning to go to a Private university which I feel isn’t stress-filled compared to state or federal schools.

Things are very different in this CITY.

You’re a fresher, super excited about leaving mum’s arms and going out. Come around, there’s enough sit for everyone. Don’t rush, gently….

Alright. Shall we?

“Congratulations, you’ve been offered provisional admission into the University of …….”

After all the congratulations from family and friends. After eating special meal and taking the biggest ration of meat.

Youngest Undergraduate. Eiyaaa.


Do you know what will look like your biggest problem?

Trying to pack your whole life in a bag.

Initially mumcee gets you two big bags, it increases to three because “…mum these isn’t going to contain all.” Gradually, it gets to four, then five and a small one, cos I can’t leave these few things behind.

I’m sorry dear,but that your Blue toothbrush, yeah the one Dad got you two months ago and you kept to take to school. That particular one, you’ll leave behind.

You’ll end up bringing pointless things you don’t need and won’t use. You need a list of what to pack? Eiyaaa. Nobody told me too. So pack them all dear.

Wait, don’t tell me you think you’ll blend in perfectly. Lol. Your first months, everyone and everything will look strange. You’ll make your blunders. A lot.

They’ll be times you want to write “Can y’all stop staring at me like that” and place on your forehead. Really nobody takes note of you or is looking at you. You just feel that way and would always feel the urge to lock yourself up. Easy, Easy, It’s normal. You’ll get use to new self and every human around you.

Run! Run!! Run!!!

You’ll basically be running throughout the day you’re out of the room. I remember falling once and promising myself I’m never going to run anywhere. Nobody has ever died from sitting at the back in class. Your Timetable will tell you class is to hold in a particular lecture hall, you get there before time, find a very comfortable sit and the devil waits till the hall is full, almost full and whispers to someone to announce the class would be in a different hall. Wait, you want to carefully pack your bag instead of throwing them all, Sorry oh. Before you raise your head, everybody is already running and you just have to join them.Only days you don’t run are No class days. Other days, On your mark, get set, Go!

“What do I want to spend #5,000 on in a week?”

University will make you open a fresh page thrice to calculate where your allowance went to.

” Something is definitely sucking my account dry that I’m not aware of.”


You know what’s worst? You didn’t feed well. Carbs morning and night few times you get to eat during the day, you’re feeding on Junks.

Expenses, Expenses, Dues, Dues, Expenses. Is this even life?

This could save your life. Write it down somewhere please.


Who still does this. I know, you’ll understand with time.

At this point, you remember home. Hardness won’t let you, you end up pretending you’re not home sick.

So, you move.

I’m very good at haggling (Pricing things😂) when I drop emotions and tell my heart and head to stop pitying these traders. You’ll want to learn.

Haggling 101

Always divide the price of whatever you’re getting by two or few cases three except you’re shopping in a mall where prices are fixed. Why spend so much when you can get same thing at a cheaper rate from the lady who sells by the roadside? Money doesn’t have value in this CITY. You’ll want to get value and quantity at the same time and have some money left.

Did anyone tell you they’ll be a lot to spend on. Really beautiful things as ladies that’ll almost let you forget your home training and empty your account. Can’t say same for the guys though. You’ll need a budget. Aside that I have sense, I know how to manage, I’ve always been one that keeps a diary.I have this e-Diary on my phone that helps me keep track of what I spend.

This is the cutest thing you’ll want to have on your phone.

I think you’ll also want to learn to get used to working independently. During high school days and times you had to wait at home you’re used to having a helping hand at every turn. In secondary school, you had regular classes or the teacher dropping notes when they’ll be absent for their periods. You had Textbooks tailored to meet all you’ll need to learn. You had teachers provide you with all you need, they literally spoon fed you.

Things are totally different here.

Classes are scam. Almost scam. But 100 level classes are Scam tho. Doesn’t mean you should skip all.

I feel you need to find yourself and know what works for you to really do well.

You’ll want to RUN away from Sister Procrastination. I’m not sorry I had to call it a Sister. Very seductive word. You know that saying, “Make hay while the sun shines” should be your daily quote.

Pilling things up would mess you up. You are no magician dear, you can’t do so much at a stretch. You’ll want to start early.

Come down from your high horse and be ever ready to learn and Unlearn. Ask questions. The first friend I made in school, departments apart and no more similar courses, I’ll never forget her. My friend can ask a mad man to explain things to her provided he has answers, the right ones.

School would have been totally Fun without Exams but they had to ruin it. Plan. Plan well. It’ll end with smiles.

You’ll be Hungry.

You’ll be Stressed.

You’ll be Tired.


Socialize. Make friends. I had Praise, Janet, Victoria, Glory, Gladys and very few really amazing people. You don’t have to be Pecu who doesn’t know how to make friends but you should know everybody doesn’t have to be your friends either. Use your head!

You won’t want to do anything or take decisions in a strange land without asking God what he thinks about it first. He should be the centre of all if you really want to have an amazing year.

I can’t believe I started this and finished without dropping my phone and telling myself we’ll continue another day. I’m not so lazy after all. I deserve Fanta, big size, 1litre nobody can tell me otherwise.

Do you think I missed anything out and you don’t mind contributing. Things we could do better. C’mon Share , we’re waiting.

How was your first year like? Talk to me.

This is not related but do you have churches and fellowship every corner of your school? I’m no church hater but I find it somehow. Every single class, lecture hall in Ambrose Alli University is a church venue. I’ll talk about this soon. Would you prefer they merge all the fellowships together, preferably Pentecostal churches together or leave it as every man to his own temple? I’m scared we’ll run out of worship centres with the rate churches are springing out every day .

Love and Light.


Big 20??!

24th August, 1999.

Happy faces.




In the midst of everything that seemed good and pleasant to both the eyes, ears and mouth of everyone present, the supposed most happy person turned out to be the saddest.

Sometimes, I look at her wedding photos and admire how strong just one person can be. I imagine how she went through that day, faking a smile and saying thank you to everyone who smiled at her.

Any other person in her position would have dropped died.

But there she was on white flowing gown with head gear, a white Bible and a faint smile knowing her two favorite people were lying cold in the Mortuary on her wedding day.

Mother told me of how she cried everyday till dad started breathing very fast one night. Dad blood pressure rose and she thought she was going to loose him that night. What will she tell people? His mother and siblings? Their son died on his own? Who’ll believe her? She told us of how she promised him and God she’ll never cry again if he but spare his life for her.

Mother has lived a life of tears. Sometimes, I wonder how unfair life can be to just person. Life has torn her, broken her to pieces, left her helpless, taken her favourite persons. Life brought really bad things to someone this innocent and didn’t feel guilty about it. So unfair!

24th every year is caved out to celebrate love, most importantly the strongest person ever.Mother!

Last year was on the hospital bed with the love of her life. I remember mother saying they’ll soon be back and we’ll celebrate. I also remember daddy smiling and noding his head, Well, that was all he could do. That was his only way of saying yes.

Those two showed me how beautiful love is. Mother is a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman. Father was…. Father was… He was everything you’ll wish for. He went all out to make us happy even without having anything in his stomach all day. For 18 years I watched him treat mum and the rest of us as the only possession he has. Father loved us till he took his last breath.

Today is their 20th Anniversary, there’s mum and then there’s Dad. Yeah,there’s dad body 500naira away from me. Six feet down. Yet there’s Dad soul, Up. In the high heavens,watching over Us and probably smiling and wishing we’re as happy as he Is.

19 years with them was the best part of my life that everyday I wish most things never played out.

If I should wish for anything and have it granted, It’s a man like father and to be like mother. It’s almost never possible to find a man like him but I wish he’s half of Father and I wish I’m half as strong as mother,too.

I made so many promises to them as a child. Today reminds me In 10 years time which should be their 30th wedding anniversary, I should be 60% of what I promised I was going to be. I should also be doing most of the things I promised them.

Soon I’ll have enough to throw an all night party to celebrate these two. Yeah two I said. Dad is still a hero despite the fact he’s not here. I’m giving him all I promised him.

Till then, I honestly wish mum can see through my heart and see how much I love her. She’ll realize it’s much more than she has always thought. I wish my brothers, All three can see through my heart too. They’ll be amazed at the many plans I have for them and the love I have for them.

Cheers to 20!

Cheers to having the best people in my life to call Family.



Hey Guys,

I don’t know the direction todays blog post is heading that’s the reason for the Blog Title. But first I’m going to RANT.

Currently playing Oceans. I hope I don’t pause it before I finish typing this post as I’ll be swinging through different moods.

Last week has been one hell of a week. From hustling to get sit in class to running from one hall to the next. I promised myself I was never going to run but well, I just found myself not running exactly but increasing my walking pace.

I almost got caught in the hostel. Here you have to cook in the school hostel kitchen and bath in the bathroom. I’ve gotten used to the bathroom thing but the stress of staying in the kitchen till your meal is ready, who has that time?

Guys,I stood for hours under the sun just to get pin for School ID card. I’ve gone three shades darker. Ambrose Alli University is a struggle Fam. You struggle to get up, get through the day and still struggle to catch some sleep at night because some people have added being a DJ to their student ministry. You keep hearing different beats from different room and you’re like Fuccckkk! But No one cares about you, so?

At this point, I want to ask. Can’t somebody just grow up and become successful? I mean, get all I want without having to go through the University system?

If you’re a Nigerian living in Nigeria fully aware of all the recent happenings and buhahaha and You still need more proofs that this Government doesn’t care about your future and that of your children then you are on a very very long thing.

Canada Trended on Twitter yesterday. You should check the street and have a good laugh.

Nigerians on Twitter were considering relocating to Canada by any available means. Twitter handler for the Canada retweeted..


Am I the only one that feels the need to travel out of this Country? Not necessarily Canada. Anywhere outside Nigeria(Africa) is Okay by me.

Someone should sponsor me out of this Country. I won’t disgrace you I promise. You don’t need pictures to believe the abroad life I crave so much will fit me.


So, amongst the numerous things I’ve been up to lately. GC gave me a book to complete within 12 days. The deal was a chapter everyday, every morning precisely. My lazy ass self did that consistently for the first three days and somehow dropped it.

Here is it..

I’m not a lover of motivational books. It doesn’t just go well with me, I’ll pick science, horror, Educational books any time, Except if it’s a Carson’s book. I finally finished reading 2:47 AM yesterday. I should have done this review days before now but you know I couldn’t finish early, I’m not late either. Monday should be the 12th day, so you see?

I loved how relatable BILL NEWMAN made it. You could relate to what he says, put yourself in every example made and story told, see yourself through the book. This was much more than your regular motivational books.

How he took us through from Goal settings and easy ways in setting realistic goals and achieving them.

Life without a goal is like entering a jewel mine and coming out with empty hands

Then he talked in details on How to reach your goals. I really can’t remember exactly but I think he listed Ten tried and proved steps to reach your goals. Ten is a huge one and again they’re all relatable.

Next was Success blockers. Our biggest hindrance Procrastination made the list. He said something “One of these days is none of these days.” I’ve promised to get that phrase out of my mouth if truly I want to get all I have on my to-do list done.

Then, Thinking our way to success, Time for success, The power of persistence.

My favorite chapters of the book definitely has to be How to have a successful marriage and How to raise successful Kids. I’ve not been reading books on marriage, Kids and all those Adult stuffs maybe because I feel I’m not of age yet but well I got a whole lot from the book. I’ve learnt enough to help me raise a healthy family.

The concluding chapter which we can call the BOMB was The Golden Rule of Success.

If there’s anything I’m glad I’ve done this year, this should make the top 10 list. I’m so getting a new book for March. The plan is to read 12 books aside school books in a year. Well I’ll be doing 11 books because January is out.

You should get this and not just add to your personal library or shelf. Feed on Them!

You can agree with me last week was an eventful one for me.Even if I got really tired of everything at some point.

As much as I try to act all happy. This week would be worse for me. I pray I get through this. My dad will be 46 on Tuesday, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’ll keep counting his age without ever seeing him again. Without knowing what it feels like to post a Birthday wish on my social media accounts, get him gifts. This is going to be a hard one. I don’t think I can successfully stay sane next week. I’m a really emotional idiot, who cries practically every night and would cry my eyes out this week. What more can I say than my usual, IT IS WELL.

Love and Light!

What book are you reading currently?

Paperbacks or eBook, Which do you prefer?

Ever lost someone, how was your recovery journey. How did you stop grieving? What steps did you take in your recovery journey?


Currently Listening to,

It’s Past Mid night and I’m here, Listening to Excess Love. I could be doing some other thing or play any of the songs on my playlist but I choice this. Maybe because it reminds me I’m loved or maybe not.

It’s 14th February already and enough Memes, Love GIFs, Flowers, Love Emoticon are already flying round the Internet. Well, I’ve decided to Clear Cobwebs from the blog and Let’s Talk “VALENTINE.”

Shall we?

When i was in secondary school, valentine’s day was one of my favorite day of the year. I mean, there are cards. There is a possibility that your crush actually liked you back. And best of all, there was chocolate–so, so much chocolate. Who doesn’t love chocolates?
Well, little did I know, little did we all know that the root of this holiday has little or no resemblance to what we experienced as teens.

With another Febuary 14 the internet is already buzzing with a mix of exitement for those expecting a gift item from their significant other,friends or family while some others are indifferent about the day.

That said you might be wondering where exactly this day of love originated and why each year, we mark our calenders to remind us to tell our loved ones, well, that we love them and live the rest if the year our normal selves. If like me the only thing you know is that its somehow associated with a mysterious saint valentine, there’s more to it.

There are several different stories on the internet attributed to the genesis of valentines day. However, there’s no disputing the fact that this day started as a religious one.
The most popular saint Valentine, and the one frequently attributed with fathering valentines day, was a Roman priest who performed marriage ceremonies and other ceremonies during the third century. He was serving under Emperor claudius.

Emperor Claudius believed that single men made better soldiers than those married and with families and passed a law making marrige illegal for all young men. Valentine recognized the honour of this law and continued to marry young couples in secret, defying his Emperor

Of course, claudius was appalled by this when he found out what was going on and had poor valentine killed.

In the 5th century, Febuary 14th was named his feast day, the day was designated by the church to honour and commemorate a saint’s life.

Today valentine’s day is celebrated in several countries throughout the world with more than half, ignorant about it’s origin . It’s popularity rose around the 17th century and grew in the 21st century where it has become a tradition to exchange little gifts and notes of affection.

One very important fact yet unknown, is that the first valentines day card was believd to be sold in 1840 by Esther Howland. Also known as the mother of the valentine. Today billions of valentine’s day cards are sent to loved ones on this day each year.

It is also recorded that before his death he wrote his young love a lettter signed,” From your Valentine.”. This tells us that valentine himself was madly inlove with his young lover who was the jailers daughter.

Valentine was imprisoned and tortured and later killed because he believed in God’s word. He was willing to put his life on the line to honour God’s commandments for a man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.

If you are to ask me what the story of valentines day is all about, I will tell you its not a story about a love simply given to our sweetheart. It is not just a story about emotions, exchange of red roses or what we feel for each other. It is one of the greatest love ever imagined. It Is a God Centered Love Story

True Love is not just centered around our love for one another. True love is that which is centered on our love for God.

Happy Val’s Day!!

Well, Today won’t be any different day. Nothing special so I’ll be my normal self, live my normal life while trying to be better than I was Yesterday.

Before I go, What do you think true love is all about?

What are your plans for This loved up day?

Guys,I’ll be waiting to read your comments.

Love and Light!

Photo Credit: Myself 😊


There are so many things that happen in life that it truly is impossible to have everything go your own way.No matter who you are,you would face obstacles,turmoils,discouragement in your life long journey,but does it matter? You may not get the result or happy ending you want,but these times would also pass by

In our everyday lives,we meet different kind of people.People with different characters,but will it really matter in the long run? Thinking about it,maybe it will,maybe it won’t.Life is perplexing in nature.Anything can happen,and more often than not we have no control on what would occur.Maybe this matters,then again,maybe it doesn’t.

We truly won’t know what matters most right now,but I realized life’s too short to stress on what matters and what doesn’t.

Somethings may mean the world to you right now,but tomorrow,or next week,or next month,or next year,Will it be the same? You can’t answer that,can you?

A lot of things we value right now are more often than not fleeting things that only give temporary happiness.What I’m trying to say is that what matters most is something that should matter most not just today but everyday of your life.

Happy Sunday!


There are so many things that happen in life that it truly is impossible to have everything go your own way.No matter who you are,you would face obstacles,turmoils,discouragement in your life long journey,but does it matter? You may not get the result or happy ending you want,but these times would also pass by

In our everyday lives,we meet different kind of people.People with different characters,but will it really matter in the long run? Thinking about it,maybe it will,maybe it won’t.Life is perplexing in nature.Anything can happen,and more often than not we have no control on what would occur.Maybe this matters,then again,maybe it doesn’t.

We truly won’t know what matters most right now,but I realized life’s too short to stress on what matters and what doesn’t.

Somethings may mean the world to you right now,but tomorrow,or next week,or next month,or next year,Will it be the same? You can’t answer that,can you?

A lot of things we value right now are more often than not fleeting things that only give temporary happiness.What I’m trying to say is that what matters most is something that should matter most not just today but everyday of your life.

18th Birthday – A Reminder That I’m Not Just Another Year Older

Birthday represents a lot of things.It could mean you’re a year older.And it can also mean that you can now do certain things,I mean,I’m legal now!! But more than that,it means it’s time to make a bigger ripple in the world.For me,my birthday this year means all that and so much more.

I honestly can’t believe I’m an adult already.Time really does fly by quickly.I’m finally 18 yet it feels as if I’m still a child.I got up this morning expecting to feel radically different,yet I realized that change doesn’t happen in one day

My years here on earth has been a magical journey like no other.So many things happened in the last years.I’m over grateful to God for having brought me thus far

A year ago,my priorities,my mindset,my worldview,and even my dreams were so different from what they are today.It’s funny how one year could change you so much.Life truly is about changing for the better and making every single day a learning experience.17 was great after all,Trust 18 would be better

At 18,I now want to make an impact in this world not regarding how little.I want to learn so many new things.My blogging journey hasn’t been as easy as I thought.So,this new year I’m going to chicken out,try out new ways of developing the blog,I’d try as much to publish a post at least thrice a month.But as of now, I have a goal and that’s to make it to the university,studying my dream Course. I guess I got to sit back a bit and take it one step at a time,Right?

This happened to be my best birthday,the love,gifts,messages,I couldn’t have asked for more.This birthday reminded me of all the blessings I have in life,especially the people who matter to me most,my family and friends.I love you all,words ain’t enough to express how grateful I am.Thank you so much 😭😭😭

Finally,This birthday was a reminder that I’ve come a long way but at the same time,I still have many bridges to cross.I’ve survived 18 years,I will survive many more years


This past few days has appeared to be my worst days. Recently I lost a friend and still hasn’t gotten over the shock.

On my way back from service today I met a friend and we were talking about our friend we lost to the cold hands of death.She was like Peculiar LIFE GOES ON oh

Now,I don’t know about you,but that made me feel like my life was pretty damn insignificant.This got me thinking about how short our lives are

I’ve never worried about,or been afraid of death.But for some reasons,this really got me.It hit a nerve or something.

The idea that I’m going to die and there is going to be nothing and things will continue but I will never know about them

This is me thinking out loud

If this were the last night of my life,I would be deeply dissatisfied.But at the same time,I would know that I went through my life not knowing how to do some of the basics and therefore probably did the best I could with what I had

So,I am asking myself this question and I guess you should.



Everyone has one or two.How many do you have? (Smiles) you have no idea right? When you’re done reading you would.

Hmmm FRIENEMIES 😑It’s coined from FRIENDS + ENEMIES.

A frienemy is someone who is both a friend and an enemy.A frienemy-Someone who pretends to be close friends but is actually a rival.

They’re very supportive and complimentary most times to the excess. Yea,they are never tired of complimenting you even when it’s not needed.They rush to view your Facebook,whatsapp,Instagram stories wowing upandan.Their comments revolves around (My crush,my love,finest,she’s so cute,wow etc).They sleep and wake on your walls,Usually between the first three comments on your posts.We could call them monitoring agents

They’re ready to defend you on social medias even without being tagged they just know how to find their way,same person would bitch about you , your life and most importantly your relationship behind your back to anyone who cares to listen.

These “frienemies” can not stand to see you happy without them and are worried they will never have something special like you do.There’s root of jealousy in all they do

They’d interfare in your relationship and say they’re acting in your best interest.Hmm they’re terrible😑

Now Let’s get to know some Indicators that shows you have a frienemy or Let’s just call it 👇🏼


1.Constant Attention

Frienemies often crave intimacy in a relationship and wants to be your bestie five minutes after you meet.They source for your WhatsApp number and start texting all in the same day.I had one who even went as far as renaming our messenger chat with “Best of friends”.

They want to be too close too soon

2.Over Sharing

Frienemies would tell you their life story including personal details with the first 3 days of your chats or meeting.

3.Digging up dirt

Frienemies feed on negative information and always dig for more.

If you say you’re a bit down, they’ll want to know why.W as it a fight with your boyfriend? Are you depressed? How is it going? Feel free to share

At first you’d feel good to have someone who remembers what’s happening in your life and cares.In time,you’d notice it’s a pure negative exercise.Worse,this behavior would be spiritualized with statements like,”I just want to know how to pray for you”.

Real friends show concern about your personal problems but allow you a measure of privacy

Frienemies look for the sore spots in your life and put their hands

4.When you have a little misunderstanding,you get to see the devil in disguise.They spit fire,they say all they had in mind about you.My dear you’d be surprised.The worse is they fully know they’re at fault yet they’ll go to your friends and spoil you before them.They like playing the pity card, always want to be seen as the innocent one.Sincerely,they’re evil.

Sadly,this are the type of friends you ought to cut off but won’t because they’re nice,you’ve had good times with.

You know they’re good people that you can count on to bring you down in the nearest future.You know the person will continue to bring you down till you demand better for yourself

You’re fully aware such relationship is toxic,fraught with risks and mistrust yet you still hold on.

Well,You’re not crazy cause I was in your shoes not until yesterday,I finally had a reason to call it a stop.Words I got weren’t something I wish anyone including you reading this to come across.I’m fine anyway😊

(Breaths out)

Let’s see some ways of letting go of such friendships

We’re not at fault but it’s mandatory to meet those kinda people.You just can’t help it but you could manage it and turn them down gently.

First,When they get angry and begin spitting fire.Never! I repeat Never! Exchange words with them just let them be.But listen kinely more often than not the words spoken or written are bottled up emotions about you.Stay calm,cool and collected

Secondly,Drift away from such friendship.Become subtly less and less available until they aren’t part of your life any more.Don’t respond to their texts right away.

Finally,Play it safe by ending the relationship gently. When gently ending the relationship try saying something like :

“While I care about you I don’t think we’re great for each other.I think it would be healthier for us to go our separate ways”

It’s better sent as a text,don’t bother replying or have pity on them.They’re experts in acting repentive.

I’m saying this out of experience.same person I had pity on sometime last year who kept pleading and pleading she’s sorry still used it against me.

It’s better to be named being proud or arrogate that being everyone’s friend who’s dying inside

Some people would say beware of enemies,some beware of friends but I’d say beware of frienemies who would hurt you and still play the victim

Good Evening!

Hello World!

Erm would I say I’ve been scared all this while or I’m way too lazy?.I think I deserve an award for being the best procrastinator

So with the scary truth bomb out of the way,Let’s get to know me 😊

Who Am I?

I’m Adamu Promise Eimoshiogwe, I know exactly what’s going on in your mind right now and I’m gonna clear those questions.

First,You’re surprised at the combinations right? You’re like how can you be Adamu and still be promise.Well,I’m from a Muslim background. Being a Nigerian I’d say my Grandfather abi Ancestor was a Muslim (hope you understand😂) funny as it seems, That’s a name I hate being called don’t ask me why.

Second,You’re wondering what Eimoshiogwe mean right?.It means What God has said ,Dad got the name from the incidents surrounding my birth.That’s a story for another day

By the way,I prefer you call Peculiar.That’s my favourite amongst my names

I’m from Edo state, You should have figured that out from my Name.

I’m the first and only daughter and I hate it.I’m surrounded by three boys but I prefer to call them soldiers.Mind you I’m super proud of them anytime,anyday yet I just wish I had a baby sister.Those boys especially precious and praise doesn’t care about me.Growing up I was my only friend and playmate.Probably that’s the reason why I enjoy being alone.Am a stoned loner

I’m 17 year old but would be 18 next month.I can’t wait to be legal yunno.

*Scratches head* I think this is enough for now.Fell free to ask questions on anything you’d like to know about me

By the way Let me add a photo of me.


Why am I blogging?

To ease myself.I’ve got a lot going through my head lately and since there’s no one to share those thoughts,fears with I think putting them out would be my best and only option.

Blogging About?

Life,God,Love,Relationship,Fashion,Education….. Let’s just say I’ll be writing whatever my heart bleeds

Writing For?

My target audience are mainly very lazy people like me,Teens between 15-19,Those who were ones hurted by Love or close friends,Introverts,Infact,Everyone

How can you get involved?

I’d really appreciate when you drop encouraging comments with no abusive words.

Feel free to drop questions,suggestions and complaints

That’s all for now.

Hopefully,I’ll get the courage to post as often as I wish.