Hello World!

Erm would I say I’ve been scared all this while or I’m way too lazy?.I think I deserve an award for being the best procrastinator

So with the scary truth bomb out of the way,Let’s get to know me 😊

Who Am I?

I’m Adamu Promise Eimoshiogwe, I know exactly what’s going on in your mind right now and I’m gonna clear those questions.

First,You’re surprised at the combinations right? You’re like how can you be Adamu and still be promise.Well,I’m from a Muslim background. Being a Nigerian I’d say my Grandfather abi Ancestor was a Muslim (hope you understand😂) funny as it seems, That’s a name I hate being called don’t ask me why.

Second,You’re wondering what Eimoshiogwe mean right?.It means What God has said ,Dad got the name from the incidents surrounding my birth.That’s a story for another day

By the way,I prefer you call Peculiar.That’s my favourite amongst my names

I’m from Edo state, You should have figured that out from my Name.

I’m the first and only daughter and I hate it.I’m surrounded by three boys but I prefer to call them soldiers.Mind you I’m super proud of them anytime,anyday yet I just wish I had a baby sister.Those boys especially precious and praise doesn’t care about me.Growing up I was my only friend and playmate.Probably that’s the reason why I enjoy being alone.Am a stoned loner

I’m 17 year old but would be 18 next month.I can’t wait to be legal yunno.

*Scratches head* I think this is enough for now.Fell free to ask questions on anything you’d like to know about me

By the way Let me add a photo of me.


Why am I blogging?

To ease myself.I’ve got a lot going through my head lately and since there’s no one to share those thoughts,fears with I think putting them out would be my best and only option.

Blogging About?

Life,God,Love,Relationship,Fashion,Education….. Let’s just say I’ll be writing whatever my heart bleeds

Writing For?

My target audience are mainly very lazy people like me,Teens between 15-19,Those who were ones hurted by Love or close friends,Introverts,Infact,Everyone

How can you get involved?

I’d really appreciate when you drop encouraging comments with no abusive words.

Feel free to drop questions,suggestions and complaints

That’s all for now.

Hopefully,I’ll get the courage to post as often as I wish.

4 thoughts on “”

  1. Promise, I too wanted to keep my target audience within your limit (15-19), but you’d be surprised that much older people — the youth and even parents — would enjoy reading your post. You’ll see as you continue your blogventure 😉
    Shards is saying welcome to the blogging community. I hope you stay here for a long, long time. 😊
    Happy blogging and good evening!

    Liked by 1 person

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