Currently Listening to,

It’s Past Mid night and I’m here, Listening to Excess Love. I could be doing some other thing or play any of the songs on my playlist but I choice this. Maybe because it reminds me I’m loved or maybe not.

It’s 14th February already and enough Memes, Love GIFs, Flowers, Love Emoticon are already flying round the Internet. Well, I’ve decided to Clear Cobwebs from the blog and Let’s Talk “VALENTINE.”

Shall we?

When i was in secondary school, valentine’s day was one of my favorite day of the year. I mean, there are cards. There is a possibility that your crush actually liked you back. And best of all, there was chocolate–so, so much chocolate. Who doesn’t love chocolates?
Well, little did I know, little did we all know that the root of this holiday has little or no resemblance to what we experienced as teens.

With another Febuary 14 the internet is already buzzing with a mix of exitement for those expecting a gift item from their significant other,friends or family while some others are indifferent about the day.

That said you might be wondering where exactly this day of love originated and why each year, we mark our calenders to remind us to tell our loved ones, well, that we love them and live the rest if the year our normal selves. If like me the only thing you know is that its somehow associated with a mysterious saint valentine, there’s more to it.

There are several different stories on the internet attributed to the genesis of valentines day. However, there’s no disputing the fact that this day started as a religious one.
The most popular saint Valentine, and the one frequently attributed with fathering valentines day, was a Roman priest who performed marriage ceremonies and other ceremonies during the third century. He was serving under Emperor claudius.

Emperor Claudius believed that single men made better soldiers than those married and with families and passed a law making marrige illegal for all young men. Valentine recognized the honour of this law and continued to marry young couples in secret, defying his Emperor

Of course, claudius was appalled by this when he found out what was going on and had poor valentine killed.

In the 5th century, Febuary 14th was named his feast day, the day was designated by the church to honour and commemorate a saint’s life.

Today valentine’s day is celebrated in several countries throughout the world with more than half, ignorant about it’s origin . It’s popularity rose around the 17th century and grew in the 21st century where it has become a tradition to exchange little gifts and notes of affection.

One very important fact yet unknown, is that the first valentines day card was believd to be sold in 1840 by Esther Howland. Also known as the mother of the valentine. Today billions of valentine’s day cards are sent to loved ones on this day each year.

It is also recorded that before his death he wrote his young love a lettter signed,” From your Valentine.”. This tells us that valentine himself was madly inlove with his young lover who was the jailers daughter.

Valentine was imprisoned and tortured and later killed because he believed in God’s word. He was willing to put his life on the line to honour God’s commandments for a man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.

If you are to ask me what the story of valentines day is all about, I will tell you its not a story about a love simply given to our sweetheart. It is not just a story about emotions, exchange of red roses or what we feel for each other. It is one of the greatest love ever imagined. It Is a God Centered Love Story

True Love is not just centered around our love for one another. True love is that which is centered on our love for God.

Happy Val’s Day!!

Well, Today won’t be any different day. Nothing special so I’ll be my normal self, live my normal life while trying to be better than I was Yesterday.

Before I go, What do you think true love is all about?

What are your plans for This loved up day?

Guys,I’ll be waiting to read your comments.

Love and Light!

Photo Credit: Myself 😊

2 thoughts on “VALENTINE…”

  1. I didn’t do much today aside write a blog post, read blog posts written by other bloggers, and bless my ears with some tunes by Adele. I’ve never been a fan of Valentine’s Day for some personal reasons. My own Valentine tradition is to laze around all day in a black T-shirt and a pair of black trousers. It’s a happy life.

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