Hey Guys,

I don’t know the direction todays blog post is heading that’s the reason for the Blog Title. But first I’m going to RANT.

Currently playing Oceans. I hope I don’t pause it before I finish typing this post as I’ll be swinging through different moods.

Last week has been one hell of a week. From hustling to get sit in class to running from one hall to the next. I promised myself I was never going to run but well, I just found myself not running exactly but increasing my walking pace.

I almost got caught in the hostel. Here you have to cook in the school hostel kitchen and bath in the bathroom. I’ve gotten used to the bathroom thing but the stress of staying in the kitchen till your meal is ready, who has that time?

Guys,I stood for hours under the sun just to get pin for School ID card. I’ve gone three shades darker. Ambrose Alli University is a struggle Fam. You struggle to get up, get through the day and still struggle to catch some sleep at night because some people have added being a DJ to their student ministry. You keep hearing different beats from different room and you’re like Fuccckkk! But No one cares about you, so?

At this point, I want to ask. Can’t somebody just grow up and become successful? I mean, get all I want without having to go through the University system?

If you’re a Nigerian living in Nigeria fully aware of all the recent happenings and buhahaha and You still need more proofs that this Government doesn’t care about your future and that of your children then you are on a very very long thing.

Canada Trended on Twitter yesterday. You should check the street and have a good laugh.

Nigerians on Twitter were considering relocating to Canada by any available means. Twitter handler for the Canada retweeted..


Am I the only one that feels the need to travel out of this Country? Not necessarily Canada. Anywhere outside Nigeria(Africa) is Okay by me.

Someone should sponsor me out of this Country. I won’t disgrace you I promise. You don’t need pictures to believe the abroad life I crave so much will fit me.


So, amongst the numerous things I’ve been up to lately. GC gave me a book to complete within 12 days. The deal was a chapter everyday, every morning precisely. My lazy ass self did that consistently for the first three days and somehow dropped it.

Here is it..

I’m not a lover of motivational books. It doesn’t just go well with me, I’ll pick science, horror, Educational books any time, Except if it’s a Carson’s book. I finally finished reading 2:47 AM yesterday. I should have done this review days before now but you know I couldn’t finish early, I’m not late either. Monday should be the 12th day, so you see?

I loved how relatable BILL NEWMAN made it. You could relate to what he says, put yourself in every example made and story told, see yourself through the book. This was much more than your regular motivational books.

How he took us through from Goal settings and easy ways in setting realistic goals and achieving them.

Life without a goal is like entering a jewel mine and coming out with empty hands

Then he talked in details on How to reach your goals. I really can’t remember exactly but I think he listed Ten tried and proved steps to reach your goals. Ten is a huge one and again they’re all relatable.

Next was Success blockers. Our biggest hindrance Procrastination made the list. He said something “One of these days is none of these days.” I’ve promised to get that phrase out of my mouth if truly I want to get all I have on my to-do list done.

Then, Thinking our way to success, Time for success, The power of persistence.

My favorite chapters of the book definitely has to be How to have a successful marriage and How to raise successful Kids. I’ve not been reading books on marriage, Kids and all those Adult stuffs maybe because I feel I’m not of age yet but well I got a whole lot from the book. I’ve learnt enough to help me raise a healthy family.

The concluding chapter which we can call the BOMB was The Golden Rule of Success.

If there’s anything I’m glad I’ve done this year, this should make the top 10 list. I’m so getting a new book for March. The plan is to read 12 books aside school books in a year. Well I’ll be doing 11 books because January is out.

You should get this and not just add to your personal library or shelf. Feed on Them!

You can agree with me last week was an eventful one for me.Even if I got really tired of everything at some point.

As much as I try to act all happy. This week would be worse for me. I pray I get through this. My dad will be 46 on Tuesday, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’ll keep counting his age without ever seeing him again. Without knowing what it feels like to post a Birthday wish on my social media accounts, get him gifts. This is going to be a hard one. I don’t think I can successfully stay sane next week. I’m a really emotional idiot, who cries practically every night and would cry my eyes out this week. What more can I say than my usual, IT IS WELL.

Love and Light!

What book are you reading currently?

Paperbacks or eBook, Which do you prefer?

Ever lost someone, how was your recovery journey. How did you stop grieving? What steps did you take in your recovery journey?

14 thoughts on “UNTITLED…”

  1. I’ve never liked school hostel for a sec ND ‘staying in the kitchen till ur meal is ready’😪I hate it more

    Work well done babe.. Keep d fire burning cuz it’s in u😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m probably late at reading this but I hope that week wasn’t or wouldn’t be as bad as you thought it would be.

    That abroad life by the way would fit you like a crown of foolishness would fit on olamide’s head for some of the songs he sings.

    Best yet and yet the best is yet to come. Great job sweetheart.


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