Big 20??!

24th August, 1999.

Happy faces.




In the midst of everything that seemed good and pleasant to both the eyes, ears and mouth of everyone present, the supposed most happy person turned out to be the saddest.

Sometimes, I look at her wedding photos and admire how strong just one person can be. I imagine how she went through that day, faking a smile and saying thank you to everyone who smiled at her.

Any other person in her position would have dropped died.

But there she was on white flowing gown with head gear, a white Bible and a faint smile knowing her two favorite people were lying cold in the Mortuary on her wedding day.

Mother told me of how she cried everyday till dad started breathing very fast one night. Dad blood pressure rose and she thought she was going to loose him that night. What will she tell people? His mother and siblings? Their son died on his own? Who’ll believe her? She told us of how she promised him and God she’ll never cry again if he but spare his life for her.

Mother has lived a life of tears. Sometimes, I wonder how unfair life can be to just person. Life has torn her, broken her to pieces, left her helpless, taken her favourite persons. Life brought really bad things to someone this innocent and didn’t feel guilty about it. So unfair!

24th every year is caved out to celebrate love, most importantly the strongest person ever.Mother!

Last year was on the hospital bed with the love of her life. I remember mother saying they’ll soon be back and we’ll celebrate. I also remember daddy smiling and noding his head, Well, that was all he could do. That was his only way of saying yes.

Those two showed me how beautiful love is. Mother is a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman. Father was…. Father was… He was everything you’ll wish for. He went all out to make us happy even without having anything in his stomach all day. For 18 years I watched him treat mum and the rest of us as the only possession he has. Father loved us till he took his last breath.

Today is their 20th Anniversary, there’s mum and then there’s Dad. Yeah,there’s dad body 500naira away from me. Six feet down. Yet there’s Dad soul, Up. In the high heavens,watching over Us and probably smiling and wishing we’re as happy as he Is.

19 years with them was the best part of my life that everyday I wish most things never played out.

If I should wish for anything and have it granted, It’s a man like father and to be like mother. It’s almost never possible to find a man like him but I wish he’s half of Father and I wish I’m half as strong as mother,too.

I made so many promises to them as a child. Today reminds me In 10 years time which should be their 30th wedding anniversary, I should be 60% of what I promised I was going to be. I should also be doing most of the things I promised them.

Soon I’ll have enough to throw an all night party to celebrate these two. Yeah two I said. Dad is still a hero despite the fact he’s not here. I’m giving him all I promised him.

Till then, I honestly wish mum can see through my heart and see how much I love her. She’ll realize it’s much more than she has always thought. I wish my brothers, All three can see through my heart too. They’ll be amazed at the many plans I have for them and the love I have for them.

Cheers to 20!

Cheers to having the best people in my life to call Family.


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