
Hey dear, I know, I know right. I’ve missed myself around here too. I hope life been treating y’all well? I trust y’all to give it gbos when it throws gbas at you. Lol.

Currently listening to,

Sound from generators around. I miss living in a place where night is night. Where it comes with this really quiet atmosphere that lets you rest after the day’s struggle.

Do I need tell you I’m in Lagos? Suppose central of excellence?


One year out of here and I feel everyone’s madness has doubled and population tripled. This City!

Tell your Igbo brothers and Hausa brothers to stop bringing their brothers down here. Leave Chukwudi in Aba and musa in kano please. Teinzzz

Away from Lagos,

I came to the end of my first year in the university last month and I’d always wanted to share some of my experiences here. It’s not new I’m a bestfriend to Procrastination. Come on, Go on, yeah, do it, roll your eyes at me dear. I’m finally doing this now and I know you’ll want to stay with me to the end.

University is hard. Maybe it was quite different to you, but based on my personal experience, It is.

You’re thrown into the deep end of the sea and expected to swim out YOURSELF. All by yourself. From coming home to already made food and bribing your younger siblings to run little things for you, to singlehandedly boiling egg yourself.

High school won’t prepare you for university life at all. Except of course you went to a boarding school or you’re planning to go to a Private university which I feel isn’t stress-filled compared to state or federal schools.

Things are very different in this CITY.

You’re a fresher, super excited about leaving mum’s arms and going out. Come around, there’s enough sit for everyone. Don’t rush, gently….

Alright. Shall we?

“Congratulations, you’ve been offered provisional admission into the University of …….”

After all the congratulations from family and friends. After eating special meal and taking the biggest ration of meat.

Youngest Undergraduate. Eiyaaa.


Do you know what will look like your biggest problem?

Trying to pack your whole life in a bag.

Initially mumcee gets you two big bags, it increases to three because “…mum these isn’t going to contain all.” Gradually, it gets to four, then five and a small one, cos I can’t leave these few things behind.

I’m sorry dear,but that your Blue toothbrush, yeah the one Dad got you two months ago and you kept to take to school. That particular one, you’ll leave behind.

You’ll end up bringing pointless things you don’t need and won’t use. You need a list of what to pack? Eiyaaa. Nobody told me too. So pack them all dear.

Wait, don’t tell me you think you’ll blend in perfectly. Lol. Your first months, everyone and everything will look strange. You’ll make your blunders. A lot.

They’ll be times you want to write “Can y’all stop staring at me like that” and place on your forehead. Really nobody takes note of you or is looking at you. You just feel that way and would always feel the urge to lock yourself up. Easy, Easy, It’s normal. You’ll get use to new self and every human around you.

Run! Run!! Run!!!

You’ll basically be running throughout the day you’re out of the room. I remember falling once and promising myself I’m never going to run anywhere. Nobody has ever died from sitting at the back in class. Your Timetable will tell you class is to hold in a particular lecture hall, you get there before time, find a very comfortable sit and the devil waits till the hall is full, almost full and whispers to someone to announce the class would be in a different hall. Wait, you want to carefully pack your bag instead of throwing them all, Sorry oh. Before you raise your head, everybody is already running and you just have to join them.Only days you don’t run are No class days. Other days, On your mark, get set, Go!

“What do I want to spend #5,000 on in a week?”

University will make you open a fresh page thrice to calculate where your allowance went to.

” Something is definitely sucking my account dry that I’m not aware of.”


You know what’s worst? You didn’t feed well. Carbs morning and night few times you get to eat during the day, you’re feeding on Junks.

Expenses, Expenses, Dues, Dues, Expenses. Is this even life?

This could save your life. Write it down somewhere please.


Who still does this. I know, you’ll understand with time.

At this point, you remember home. Hardness won’t let you, you end up pretending you’re not home sick.

So, you move.

I’m very good at haggling (Pricing things😂) when I drop emotions and tell my heart and head to stop pitying these traders. You’ll want to learn.

Haggling 101

Always divide the price of whatever you’re getting by two or few cases three except you’re shopping in a mall where prices are fixed. Why spend so much when you can get same thing at a cheaper rate from the lady who sells by the roadside? Money doesn’t have value in this CITY. You’ll want to get value and quantity at the same time and have some money left.

Did anyone tell you they’ll be a lot to spend on. Really beautiful things as ladies that’ll almost let you forget your home training and empty your account. Can’t say same for the guys though. You’ll need a budget. Aside that I have sense, I know how to manage, I’ve always been one that keeps a diary.I have this e-Diary on my phone that helps me keep track of what I spend.

This is the cutest thing you’ll want to have on your phone.

I think you’ll also want to learn to get used to working independently. During high school days and times you had to wait at home you’re used to having a helping hand at every turn. In secondary school, you had regular classes or the teacher dropping notes when they’ll be absent for their periods. You had Textbooks tailored to meet all you’ll need to learn. You had teachers provide you with all you need, they literally spoon fed you.

Things are totally different here.

Classes are scam. Almost scam. But 100 level classes are Scam tho. Doesn’t mean you should skip all.

I feel you need to find yourself and know what works for you to really do well.

You’ll want to RUN away from Sister Procrastination. I’m not sorry I had to call it a Sister. Very seductive word. You know that saying, “Make hay while the sun shines” should be your daily quote.

Pilling things up would mess you up. You are no magician dear, you can’t do so much at a stretch. You’ll want to start early.

Come down from your high horse and be ever ready to learn and Unlearn. Ask questions. The first friend I made in school, departments apart and no more similar courses, I’ll never forget her. My friend can ask a mad man to explain things to her provided he has answers, the right ones.

School would have been totally Fun without Exams but they had to ruin it. Plan. Plan well. It’ll end with smiles.

You’ll be Hungry.

You’ll be Stressed.

You’ll be Tired.


Socialize. Make friends. I had Praise, Janet, Victoria, Glory, Gladys and very few really amazing people. You don’t have to be Pecu who doesn’t know how to make friends but you should know everybody doesn’t have to be your friends either. Use your head!

You won’t want to do anything or take decisions in a strange land without asking God what he thinks about it first. He should be the centre of all if you really want to have an amazing year.

I can’t believe I started this and finished without dropping my phone and telling myself we’ll continue another day. I’m not so lazy after all. I deserve Fanta, big size, 1litre nobody can tell me otherwise.

Do you think I missed anything out and you don’t mind contributing. Things we could do better. C’mon Share , we’re waiting.

How was your first year like? Talk to me.

This is not related but do you have churches and fellowship every corner of your school? I’m no church hater but I find it somehow. Every single class, lecture hall in Ambrose Alli University is a church venue. I’ll talk about this soon. Would you prefer they merge all the fellowships together, preferably Pentecostal churches together or leave it as every man to his own temple? I’m scared we’ll run out of worship centres with the rate churches are springing out every day .

Love and Light.


One thought on “UNIverCiTY….”

  1. The first day i started class that was when i sustain burn from bike exhaust because I was late for lecture and even getting there the lecturer has not even arrived , I felt like crying that day but could not cry.
    My 100level was really stressful .
    Thanks to my friends, pekky love, vikky love and blessing they are indeed friends love you guys and a big thanks to God who made me finished 100 level successful and also my love

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